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When internet use becomes more important than relationships or real life activities, or causes problems in one's ability to function, it's considered an internet addiction. Internet addicts often spend more time secluded and online than with those who matter in their lives. They may conceal time spent online, or create avatars which alter their identities.

Defining internet addiction

Internet addiction can manifest itself in various forms. These are:

  • Developing emotional attachments to online friends, avatars or activities created on a screen

  • Getting hooked on social elements of the internet, such as social media, chatrooms or virtual communities

  • Spending hours blogging or researching random topics

  • Smartphone addiction (also called Nomophobia)

  • Gaming addiction (which has been diagnosed as a disorder by the World Health Organization)


When these activities disrupt daily life and one cannot stop using the internet regardless of consequences, it is deemed an internet addiction, which, much like other addictions, uses a fantasy world as a substitution for real life connection which they may have difficulties achieving.



Internet addicts may experience withdrawal symptoms when cutting back and may physically suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, dry eyes, backaches, eating irregularities, severe headaches, and sleep related issues.

Smartphone addicts are similar to internet addicts with several additions. They may constantly need the latest cell phones, more apps and increased use. Physically, cell phone addiction can lead to digital eye strain, neck strain (also known as "text neck"), male infertility and impairment when driving a vehicle which can result in fatal car accidents.

Chabad Lifeline helps anyone affected by internet, smartphone or gaming addiction, offering one on one support as well as group therapy for both the addict and anyone affected by the addiction.



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